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USB to Serial RS-232 DB9 FTDI Mini Adapter with Extension Cable

Product Review (submitted on January 2, 2013):
I do software development on a lot of embedded systems ranging from tiny PIC and AVR MCU based device to big ARM and PowerPC MPU based systems. Some of the older systems export the processor logic-level serial port out through a DB9 connector with RS232 signal levels. This little gadget is inexpensive enough that I buy one and just screw it onto the board, more or less permanently converting the board to a USB-serial interface. The gadget is barely bigger than a bare DB9 connector hood. And since it uses an FDTI chip inside, it works flawlessly. (I've given up using any USB-serial adapter that doesn't use a chip from FTDI because the rest are all crap.) So now when faced with an older DB9 RS232 port, I just automatically order one of these from Amazon.com and eliminate that little detail from my worry list.